Wish List
As a nonprofit organization, donations play a key part in improving the overall experiences for our classes as well as family and group excursions. Any donations are greatly appreciated and all funds go towards obtaining the various items listed below. If you, or someone you know, have any of these items that you would like to donate, please contact us at learn@waterfronteducation.org.

Water Vessels
To help expand our Ocean Warrior and Ocean Exploration excursions, we need more ocean single and double kayaks, kayak paddles, detachable kayak seats, butterfly or handheld nets
Price Range: $5-$1,000
General Class Supplies
To improve our class experiences, we are in need of pencils, colored pencils, crayons, markers, kid scissors, craft supplies, colored card stock and construction paper, glue, compasses, modeling clay, hot glue gun with glue sticks, washable paint, various size paintbrushes
Price Range: $5-$20

Science Supplies
To improve our science experiments, we are in need of test tubes and rack, small and medium beakers, petri dishes, bunsen burners, laboratory stand support with burrette clamps and flask clamps, goggles, gloves, washable youth lab coats, microscopes, magnifying glasses, simple centrifuge, centrifuge tubes, microvolume pipette dispensers with disposable tips, digital scale, large dissection trays, reusable scalpels, disposable scalpel blades, sealed sterilized swabs
Price Range: $20-$500
General Supplies
To assist in getting all of the necessary worksheets and general office work prepared and organized, we are in need of printer paper, staples, regular and large push pins, Clorox wipes, Lysol disinfectant spray, Simple Green, Expo markers, rubbing alcohol, glass window cleaner, manila file folders
Price Range: $5-$50